Quietness Meditation


Your mind is a master story teller. Yet it’s stories are only too often exaggerations that trouble and disturb you with only imaginable possibilities. These meditations will invite your mind to let go of its ability to imagine into its fundamental ability to recognise what is actually happening. At the same time they will provide you with a clearer understanding of how your mind functions. This will ground your mind in what actually is so that it lets go of troubling anxieties and fears into a deep sense of safety and satisfaction. This bundle of 5 guided meditations of different durations, from 8 to 35 minutes, focusses on letting go into the simplicities of what is happening in your body.
Meditation into quietness 35' Meditation into quietness 25'
Meditation into quietness 20' Meditation into quietness 15'
Meditation into quietness 10'
Meditation into quietness 35'
Meditation into quietness 25'
Meditation into quietness 20'
Meditation into quietness 15'
Meditation into quietness 10'
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