Tantric Meditation


In these meditations you will be invited to access your pleasure nature by way of the many pleasant sensations continuously being generated by your body, even within the presence of uncomfortable or painful ones. As the experience of pleasure soothes and calms your mind it will relax deeply into the pleasure nature of Consciousness, expressing itself as the Love without an object, the Peace without a cause and the Joy without a reason that you most deeply are. This bundle of 5 meditations of different durations, from 15 to 40 minutes, focusses on the sensations of pleasure, obvious and subtle generated by the presence and activity of your body.
Tantric Meditation 15' Tantric Meditation 20'
Tantric Meditation 25' Tantric Meditation 35'
Tantric Meditation 40'
Tantric Meditation 15'
Tantric Meditation 20'
Tantric Meditation 25'
Tantric Meditation 35'
Tantric Meditation 40'
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