Awareness Meditation


Consciousness is what you most deeply are. It is the source of the Love without an object, the Peace without a cause and the Joy without a reason that are your spiritual heart. The most consistent expression of Consciousness is the luminosity of awareness, revealing all that you experience. These meditations will invite you deep into the spacious luminosity of awareness. This allows mind to let go of your everyday concerns and anxieties into the nourishing presence of Consciousness. This bundle of 5 guided meditations of different durations, from 13 to 35 minutes, focusses on accessing the luminosity of awareness that illuminates all that you think and feel.
Awareness Meditation 15' Awareness Meditation 20'
Awareness Meditation 25' Awareness Meditation 30'
Awareness Meditation 35'
Awareness Meditation 15'
Awareness Meditation 20'
Awareness Meditation 25'
Awareness Meditation 30'
Awareness Meditation 35'
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