Somatic Meditation


Your body is a vibrant compression of intelligence. In becoming intimate with its stable presence, the intelligence of your mind will quieten. As it stabilises into the intelligent presence of your body it will let go of its need to control and know into the deeper intelligence of Consciousness. This will allow your mind to begin to trust the deeper intelligence that you are so that it can let go into its ability to enjoy and create. This bundle of 5 guided meditations of different durations, from 10 to 45 minutes, focusses on the flow of sensations generated by your body.
Somatic Meditation 10' Somatic Meditation 15'
Somatic Meditation 20' Somatic Meditation 35'
Somatic Meditation 45'
Somatic Meditation 10'
Somatic Meditation 15'
Somatic Meditation 20'
Somatic Meditation 35'
Somatic Meditation 45'
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